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"Corporations using coach approach"
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 | 214.425.3260 |
"I have attended a number of team building sessions over the years, but found your session to be one of the best. Your personality and interest in our group made the session very profitable and effective. We all learned some very important business life lessons and appreciated you taking the time to share with us." --Tom Peterson, Dallas Human Resources Management Association
"You really helped me and the bank position for the turn to profitability and prepared to take the bank to the next level in size and structure." ~President and CEO, bank
"What I value the that you listened and directed my thought processes rather than telling what to think and do...also your honest feedback and encouragement to express myself."~Manager, AT&T Wireless
Buzz Kolbe, CPBA - Business & Leadership Development Coach
Kolbe & Associates * 214.425.3260